How To Help

If you are not satisfied with the way things are going in this country, and you’d like to do something to support progressive values, social justice, fiscal responsibility, and good governance, there are many ways you can help make a difference.


  Show up at events and make your voice heard. The need to help politicians and fellow citizens understand where you stand on issues of importance does not begin or end with election day.

  Contact your legislators, governor, and president. Let them know which issues you support or oppose, and why.

  Write letters to the editor. Reach members of your local community via the news.

  Spread the word through social media.

  Knock on doors and speak with voters. Ask them who they support, tell them why you support candidates, and make sure they know where and when to vote.

  Call voters. Ask them who they support, tell them why you support candidates, and make sure they know where and when to vote.

  Help drive voters who need assistance to the polls on election days.



Please donate to the Francestown Democratic Committee via our page at ActBlue.


Join Us

The Francestown Democratic Committee welcomes new members. If you are a resident of Francestown, NH, and are a Democrat or Independent (aka Undeclared) voter who wants to play a bigger role supporting the fight for progressive values and social justice, we welcome you to join us.

Bring us your values, your skills, your ideas for improvement, and your passion to get things done. We’ll find a seat for you at the table.

Be sure to contact us for details.

About Us

We are residents of Francestown, NH who are unsatisfied with the status quo.

We believe in government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and we’re not going to stop until we get it.

We hope you’ll join us.


Chair – Sue Jonas

Vice Chair – Eric Rasmussen

Secretary – Ted Graham

Treasurer – Theo Groh

Contact Information

General –

Sue Jonas –

News & Events

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Location Information for the 2023 Caucus

Join us at the Francestown Democratic Caucus at the home of our gracious host Martha Farmer. at 1130 Bible Hill Rd Saturday, March 25th from 10 am to 12 noon Mark your calendars NOW! You don’t want to miss our guest

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2023 Francestown Democratic Caucus

Our Francestown Democratic Caucus has been scheduled as an in-person event for Saturday, March 25th from 10 am to 12 noon Mark your calendars NOW! You don’t want to miss our guest speakers: Please RSVP:  text or email your name to:

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An Introduction to the Francestown Democratic Committee

Every registered Democrat in Francestown has automatic membership in the FDC and is welcome to attend our meetings and events, without any obligation to pay dues. However, we do ask Democrats and Democrat-leaning Undeclared voters in Francestown to voluntarily support

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